The human body is one of the most complex machines on Earth. We are fascinated by how the Human Visual System works. How as a human, we see the world, store the visual information and learn from what we see and recognize patterns from previous experiences. The goal of the workshop is to help build an understanding of how to solve real world problems using Computer Vision with examples. We start from biological motivations for Computer Vision, developing intuitions to solve problems, converting the intuitions into the language of mathematics and finally developing code that represents the mathematics. With the help of Machine Learning and Deep learning, we are able to attain state-of-art performance in many Computer Vision Problems. The workshop is meant for those who want to get a hands-on experience of using ML / DL for solving Computer Vision problems.
This is a two-day workshop on Computer Vision and Machine Learning. The first day would be an introduction to Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The second day would cover more advanced topics in 3D Computer Vision (including some topics used in navigation like localization: SLAM), advanced topics in 2D Vision and Machine Learning closing with End-To-End Solution Development session using Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
Whom is it for?
Day 1: Intermediate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning and Beginner in Deep learning
Day 1: Or those with exposure to ML / DL and new to ML / DL in Computer Vision
Day 2: Experienced with Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning or have attended Day 1. Want to know more 3D Vision and wants to learn how to do Disciplined Machine Learning.
Background Knowledge
- Good Experience in Python (cannot support non-programmers during session due to lack of time)
- Knowledge of Numpy
- Basic concepts and hands-on experience in Digital Image Processing
- PC with minimum configuration: 8 GB RAM and i5 Processor
- Install VirtualBox Software & Download and run image provided (will be shared shortly)
You can register for Day 2 only if you have attended last years Computer Vision Workshop. (If you have an advanced degree in ML/DL or experienced with the same, please email us to confirm for Day 2 only)
- The participants have to install the required software before the session (link will be provided shortly).
- We will conduct an Installation Clinic to help the participants install the software package one day before the session.